Monday, March 10, 2014

Blog # 14 Interacting with the text

I believe it is important for children to interact with the text so they become familiar with it. This also teaches them how to become a better speller and reader.  When we teach kids to first read and write we spend a huge chunk of time teaching them the basics of beginning, middle and ending  sounds. When children hear a story read to them they imagine the story in their minds, but when they interact with the story and write parts of the story they are comprehending, checking for spelling mistakes, listening for syllables, and so much more. This is also where they get the idea to tell their own stories with clear beginning, middle and endings. My favorite part of story telling is when the book truly comes alive for the kids and they take parts of the story to re-enact. Teachers can use words from the story with magnets along with pictures from the story. Once I read The Mitten and the kids and I put on a play for the parents.

As my artifact, I am including a project that teachers can do with the students. The Mitten is a fun winter book that the kids will enjoy roll playing with because they get a chance to switch animals and hide under a Mitten which is just a large sheet on the floor.

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