Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blog #17 - Selecting and implementing reading materials

Some schools let the task of selecting reading materials up to the students themselves. Other schools may choose to base the reading materials geared toward the information on the standardized tests. In my opinion, the students would benefit better if they got to choose what they read.  No one can learn by being forced to read about topics that don't interest them. Sadly though the school can not please every student so some of the reading material is a bit dry and un-inspiring. It will take a lot of time and program tweaking to get the material just right. Teachers are constantly changing curriculum from year to year based on what works for their students and the way they like to teach best.
Teachers implement the materials in small groups of children. They make sure there are enough copies of the books so the children do not have to share while taking turns reading and responding to the story.

For my artifact I found an article about implementing a guided reading program.
The article was written by Linda Diamond. It is a CORE briefing paper. It describes in detail the four categories of learners and their performance levels. The article even tells about how time is a major factor of how schools choose programs for reading/literacy. As a teacher it is my hopes and personal goal to get everyone reading at a similar level. But since everyone reads at different levels, maybe I should start off with a smaller goal of just getting everyone to have a love for reading.


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